Search BIP Registry
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Company | Region | Community |
Salt River First Nation Development | South Slave | Fort Smith |
Samantha Adrianne Photography | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Sambaa K'e Development Corporation Ltd. | Dehcho | Sambaa K'e |
Sanayut Consulting Professional | Beaufort Delta | Inuvik |
Sanguez Enterprises | ||
Sarah Pruys Media Corp | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Savage Custom Fabrication Inc. | South Slave | Hay River |
SCM Insurance Services Inc. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Scott King's Bobcat Services | South Slave | Fort Resolution |
SDR Contracting Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Seabrook Floor Covering | Beaufort Delta | Inuvik |
Sean's Fur Buying | Dehcho | Fort Simpson |
SFI Contracting | South Slave | Enterprise |
Shane's Flooring Ltd. | South Slave | Fort Smith |
Shannon Ward Consulting | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Sharpe, Vince | Beaufort Delta | Inuvik |
Shehtah Adventures | Dehcho | Fort Simpson |
Sheri's First Class Cleaning | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Sherp North | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Shilak Kat General Contracting | Beaufort Delta | Inuvik |
Shin Shiga Consulting | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Shoppers Drug Mart | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Shore Consulting | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Sign Magic | Dehcho | Fort Simpson |
Signed. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Silvertip Consulting | Beaufort Delta | Inuvik |
Silverweed Therapeutic Services | North Slave | Yellowknife |
SimplyDaBest Carpet Cleaning & | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Simpson Air 1981 Ltd. | Dehcho | Fort Simpson |
SK Contracting Ltd. | South Slave | Fort Smith |
Skinner Management and Training | North Slave | Yellowknife |
SKL Consulting Ltd. | South Slave | Fort Smith |
Sky Enterprises | Beaufort Delta | Aklavik |
Skyhigh Enterprises | South Slave | Fort Smith |
Slades Fire Protection | South Slave | Hay River |
Slades Fire Protection | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Slave Kayak Lodge Ltd. | South Slave | Fort Smith |
Slyck Enterprises | Beaufort Delta | Aklavik |
SM Contracting Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
SMS Equipment Inc. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
SMS Limited | South Slave | Hay River |
Sno Enterprises Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Snowshoe Inn NWT Ltd. | South Slave | Fort Providence |
Soaring Tortoise Creative | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Solid State Hosting | South Slave | Hay River |
Sombe K'e Family Dental Professional Cor | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Soul Reflections NG Inc. | Beaufort Delta | Inuvik |
Soulstice Counselling Services | North Slave | Yellowknife |
South Nahanni Airways | Dehcho | Fort Simpson |
South Slave Safety | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Southam Holdings Inc. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Spiritwalker Productions | North Slave | Yellowknife |
SSI Micro Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
SSR Contracting | South Slave | Fort Resolution |
Stake It | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Stand Alone Energy Systems Ltd. | South Slave | Fort Smith |
Stantec Architecture Ltd | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Stantec Consulting Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Stanton Distributing Company Limited | Beaufort Delta | Inuvik |
Stanton Distributing Company Limited | Beaufort Delta | Inuvik |
Stanton Distributing Company Limited | Beaufort Delta | Tuktoyaktuk |
Steadyflow Plumbing Services | South Slave | Fort Providence |
Steen Enterprises Ltd | Beaufort Delta | Tuktoyaktuk |
Stewart Heating & Repair Inc. | Sahtu | Tulita |
Stewart Weir MacDonald Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Stick Built Construction | South Slave | Fort Smith |
Stitch'in Gwich'in Sewing Machine Repair | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Stittco Utilities NWT Ltd. | South Slave | Hay River |
Stone Information Solutions | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Strong Interpretation | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Structureall Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Studioiced | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Sub-Arctic Geomatics | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Sub-Arctic Surveys Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Summit Air Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Summit Helicopters Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Summit Roofing Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Sundog North Inc. | South Slave | Fort Smith |
Sunlines Alterations and Convenience Ltd | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Sunrise Contracting | South Slave | Hay River Reserve |
Sunset Builders | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Sunset Project Services Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Sunshine Cleaners | Beaufort Delta | Inuvik |
Susan Chisholm | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Sushi North Inc. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Sutherland's Drugs Limited | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Sweet Treats! | Sahtu | Norman Wells |
T & S Mobile Steam & Pressure | South Slave | Fort Smith |
T.C. Enterprises Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
T.E. Holdings Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
T.R. Contracting | Dehcho | Fort Liard |
Ta'egera Company Ltd. | North Slave | Lutsel K'e |
TAG ME | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Taiga Legal Translation | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Taiga Works Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Talbot Technologies | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Talimatt Financial Corporation | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Talking Dog Communications | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Tamarack Computers Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |