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Company | Region | Community |
Northern | Beaufort Delta | Paulatuk |
Northern | Beaufort Delta | Tsiigehtchic |
Northern | Beaufort Delta | Ulukhaktok |
Northern | South Slave | Fort Providence |
Northern | South Slave | Fort Resolution |
Northern | Dehcho | Fort Simpson |
Northern | South Slave | Fort Smith |
Northbound Contractors Ltd. | Sahtu | Norman Wells |
Northbest Distributors Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
North-Wright Airways Ltd. | Sahtu | Norman Wells |
North-Arm Builders | North Slave | Yellowknife |
North Star Security Inc | North Slave | Yellowknife |
North Star Leadership | South Slave | Fort Smith |
North Slave Hospitality Services | North Slave | Yellowknife |
North Shore Towing Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
North of 60 Medical Solutions Ltd. | Beaufort Delta | Inuvik |
North of 60 Construction Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
North Nova Electric Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
North Fire Systems Inc. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
North Creative Inc. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
North Country Inn | South Slave | Hay River |
North Coast Ventures Ltd. | Beaufort Delta | Tuktoyaktuk |
North Circle Ventures Inc. | Beaufort Delta | Inuvik |
North Cair Medical Supplies Inc. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
North By North Corp | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Norn Fuel Ltd. | South Slave | Fort Resolution |
Norman Wells Transportation Ltd. | Sahtu | Norman Wells |
Norman Wells Renewable Resources Council | Sahtu | Norman Wells |
Norman Wells Claimant | Sahtu | Norman Wells |
Norland Insurance Agencies Ltd. | South Slave | Hay River |
Nonacho Lake Fishing Adventures | South Slave | Hay River |
Non-Stop Trucking Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Nomad Ventures Ltd. | South Slave | Hay River |
Nogha Enterprises Ltd. | Dehcho | Fort Simpson |
Nogha Contracting | Sahtu | Colville Lake |
Nina & Associates | South Slave | Fort Providence |
Nihtat Corporation Ltd. | Beaufort Delta | Inuvik |
Nightingale Law Office | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Nightingale Consulting | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Nexus Group Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Nexum Systems Incorporated | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Nextreme | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Newtech HVAC Consulting | North Slave | Yellowknife |
New North Networks Ltd. | Beaufort Delta | Inuvik |
New Hope General Contractor | South Slave | Hay River |
New Age Construction Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Nehtruh - EBA Consulting Ltd | Beaufort Delta | Aklavik |
Negus North Enterprises | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Ne'Rahten Development Ltd. | Sahtu | Fort Good Hope |
NCV Industrial Inc. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
NCS Productions Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Natasha Duchene Productions | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Narwal Northern Adventures Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Nappaq Design & Construction Ltd. | Beaufort Delta | Inuvik |
Nanzu Demolition & Environmental Ltd. | Beaufort Delta | Inuvik |
Naka Productions | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Nahanni Inn Ltd. | Dehcho | Fort Simpson |
Nahanni Construction Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Naha Dehe Development Corporation | Dehcho | Nahanni Butte |
Nagel and Company Consultants | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Nadji Architects Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
NAAS Enterprises Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
N.U. Mechanical Inc | South Slave | Fort Smith |
N.E. Thing Trading Co. Ltd | North Slave | Yellowknife |
N R Enterprises | Dehcho | Nahanni Butte |
Myka Jones Design | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Mudaway Carpets | Beaufort Delta | Inuvik |
MSS (Medical Surgical Supply) Ltd | South Slave | Hay River |
MR NDU Rentals & Services | Dehcho | Fort Simpson |
Morgan's Mechanical Ltd. | South Slave | Hay River |
Moonlight Contracting Ltd | South Slave | Hay River |
Monster Recreational Products Ltd. | South Slave | Hay River |
Monitor North Inc. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Moe's Stationery | Beaufort Delta | Inuvik |
Moe Zoe's Painting | North Slave | Yellowknife |
MKR DUKE ELECTRIC INC. | Beaufort Delta | Inuvik |
MJ's Express Services Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Misty's Janitorial | South Slave | Fort Smith |
Mistigi Enterprises | South Slave | Hay River |
Miramichi Builders Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Millennium Technologies Inc. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
MiLin Enterprise | South Slave | Fort Smith |
Mike's Tourism and Expediting Services | Dehcho | Wrigley |
Mifflin Consulting | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Midnight Sun Energy Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Midnight Sun Contracting | Beaufort Delta | Inuvik |
Midnight Petroleum Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Midnight Petroleum Ltd. | South Slave | Hay River |
MGM Bus Services Ltd. | Beaufort Delta | Inuvik |
Metis Structures Inc. | South Slave | Hay River |
Metcor Environmental Inc. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Metcan Building Solutions Inc. | South Slave | Hay River |
MeckCon Services Ltd. | Sahtu | Deline |
McNeely's Mechanical Services | Sahtu | Fort Good Hope |
McLennan Ross LLP | North Slave | Yellowknife |
McKenna Funeral Services Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
McKay Electric | North Slave | Yellowknife |
McKay Contracting Ltd | South Slave | Hay River |
McIlmoyle Law | North Slave | Yellowknife |