Have Your Say on MRA Regulatory Intentions

News Type: 
Blog Entries

January 12, 2023

Before formal drafting begins on the regulations for the NWT Mineral Resources Act, NWT residents are being invited to provide specific input and feedback on the policy intentions that are being considered for the regulations.

Have Your Say: Mineral Resources Act - Regulations Policy Intentions

The development of the MRA and its regulations is a complex and enormous undertaking. The MRA and its regulations will be the first-ever legislation governing mineral resources to be fully drafted in the NWT.

Led by a GNWT implementation team, the Intergovernmental Council of the Northwest Territories (IGC) has worked through a series of processes to understand and identify all of the regulations that will be required by the new Act.

The intent, approach and direction for each identified regulation has been developed, evaluated and refined in co-development with the IGC. The IGC’s work has been guided by: research, analysis, subject-matter experts, best practices from other jurisdictions and engagements with NWT leaders, industry stakeholders and organizations involved and impacted by mining in the NWT as well as self-identifying members of the public.

An Overview of Policy Intentions that will inform the drafting of Regulations for the NWT Mineral Resources Act.

Once fully drafted and agreed upon by the IGC, Section 35 consultation will take place on the proposed regulations. A final public posting of the regulations will occur before the process is concluded and the NWT Mineral Resources Act is brought into force.

The GNWT’s Have Your Say engagement on its policy intentions will remain open until Tuesday, January 31, 2023.