The Beaufort Delta Region borders the Yukon Territory to the west, Nunavut to the east and the Arctic Ocean to the north.
The town of Inuvik is the third largest community in the NWT and the region’s major commercial and administrative centre. The Region accounts for about 16% of the NWT’s population and about 12% of personal income.
The Dempster Highway connection is limited to communities south of Inuvik. A network of winter roads connect Aklavik and Tuktoyaktuk to Inuvik.
The Dempster Highway provides an all weather link with the Yukon and an opportunity to attract tourists off the Alaska Highway. The Region also benefits from Whitehorse’s direct summer connections to Europe. Most Europeans who travel to the NWT use this route.
In light of the region’s significant tourism potential, investments have been made in accommodation facilities and attraction development. Physical attractions in the Inuvik Region include the Mackenzie Mountains, the Arctic Ocean, the Delta itself and the midnight sun.
The region also has significant gas resources. However, development is dependent upon access to markets. An application to develop the Mackenzie Gas Project is currently under review. The development of the Ikhil Gas Project has provided the community of Inuvik with access to gas for electrical generation and heating.
Other base industries in the Inuvik Region include public administration, transportation and fur trade.