Niagara Falls welcomed NWT artists and their creative wares at the 13 for 13 Festival associated with the 2022 Canada Summer Games.
ITI News
September 2, 2022
Hosted by the Northern Life Museum & Cultural Centre the arts of Fort Smith were on display for all to see on a sunny day in mid-August.
The Art in the Park venue, located at the Mission Historic Park in Fort Smith, is sponsored by the department of Industry, Tourism and Investment for artists registered with NWT Arts to sell their arts and/or fine crafts.
The Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment (ITI) has released its annual Oil and Gas Report for the NWT.
Fishing long been a mainstay of life and economic activity – especially in Hay River.
We often talk about the benefits mines bring to a territory. From haul truck drivers and welders, to engineers and environmental scientists — mines are huge operations requiring numerous products and services – and large, diverse workforces.
Big companies can make big differences in the communities in which they invest.
Pour s’assurer que les Ténois profitent de l’exploitation des ressources, le gouvernement des Territoires du Nord-Ouest (GTNO) prélève des redevances sur ces ressources ainsi que des impôts auprès des sociétés minières qui les exploitent.
This information was published in 2022 and is no longer current.
August 21-27, 2022 is mining week in the Northwest Territories; a celebration of our territory’s foremost economic sector.
Like any good mining project, the week began with the exploration and identification of minerals in the NWT’s rich geology. “Rock Walks” have become a perennial favourite with the public during mining week.
From the first strike of a pick hammer, to the construction of a commercial mine; and to the ongoing maintenance of a safe and vibrant operating environment — an incredible amount of goods and services are needed to ensure a successful mining operation.
It’s mining week in the Northwest Territories (NWT).