Search BIP Registry
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Company | Region | Community |
La Dee Dah Boutique | South Slave | Hay River |
Rob's Plumbing & Heating | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Allen Services & Contracting Ltd. | Beaufort Delta | Inuvik |
Tli Cho Logistics Inc. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Age Automotives Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
billbradenphoto | North Slave | Yellowknife |
MJ's Express Services Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
The Museum Cafe | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Stanton Distributing Company Limited | Beaufort Delta | Inuvik |
Endeavoursome 2000 | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Konge Construction Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Yellowknife True Value Hardware | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Northern Eaves Troughing and Renos Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
LDM Consulting | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Shehtah Adventures | Dehcho | Fort Simpson |
Slyck Enterprises | Beaufort Delta | Aklavik |
Property Watch | South Slave | Hay River |
Lancaster Designs | North Slave | Yellowknife |
AECOM Canada Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
AECOM Canada Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Worth ICT | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Morgan's Mechanical Ltd. | South Slave | Hay River |
Monster Recreational Products Ltd. | South Slave | Hay River |
Arctic Turf | North Slave | Yellowknife |
FES Greenland's Taxi | Beaufort Delta | Aklavik |
CircleNorth Training | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Don's Heating Services | Beaufort Delta | Aklavik |
I.J. Property Management Services | Dehcho | Fort Simpson |
Tuktoyaktuk Development Corporation Ltd. | Beaufort Delta | Tuktoyaktuk |
Global Storm IT Corporation | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Aurora Indexing and Information | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Gray Jay Enterprises Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
SMS Equipment Inc. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
EMCO Corporation | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Emco Corporation | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Lucy's B & B | Dehcho | Jean Marie River |
Beck's Kennels | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Mark's Restaurant | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Aurora Decorating Center Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Arctic Alarm Ltd | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Ehdiitat Gwich'in Council (1997) | Beaufort Delta | Aklavik |
Polar Cadd Graphics oa | South Slave | Hay River |
Gwich'in Development Corporation | Beaufort Delta | Inuvik |
Ice Wireless Inc. | Beaufort Delta | Inuvik |
Golder & Associates | North Slave | Yellowknife |
ATCO Frontec Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
PSY Plus | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Break-Away Drilling & Blasting Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife | | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Hoarfrost River Huskies Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
LJ's Septic Services & Contracting Ltd. | Beaufort Delta | Fort McPherson |
DT Electric Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
JD's General Services | Beaufort Delta | Sachs Harbour |
Tli Cho Construction Ltd. | North Slave | Behchoko |
Tlicho Management Services Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Yellowknife Glass Recyclers | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Virgo Security, Delivery & | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Plan-Eng Consulting Inc. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
SCM Insurance Services Inc. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Aurora TPI Travel | South Slave | Fort Smith |
Arctic Storage & Rentals Ltd. | Beaufort Delta | Inuvik |
Inuvialuit Development Corporation | Beaufort Delta | Inuvik |
IEG Consultants Ltd. | Beaufort Delta | Inuvik |
Aurora Village | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Danmax Communication Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
T & S Mobile Steam & Pressure | South Slave | Fort Smith |
Ursus Aviation | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Wings Mechanical Inc. | Beaufort Delta | Inuvik |
Loblaws Inc. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Wajax Industrial Components LP | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Aramark Canada Ltd. | Beaufort Delta | Inuvik |
Omega Marine | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Anderson Consulting | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Y.B. Services Inc. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Phillips-N-Allen's Trucking & Odd Jobs | Beaufort Delta | Inuvik |
Allen & Allen Consulting & Research | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Arctic Appliance Service Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Denendeh Helicopters Ltd. | South Slave | Hay River |
TS, IWA Inc. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
McCoy Enterprises Ltd. | Sahtu | Norman Wells |
Top Gun Resources | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Plumb Crazy Mechanical Ltd. | Beaufort Delta | Inuvik |
Communication Care - Speech & | North Slave | Yellowknife |
SDR Contracting Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Knapp Consulting | North Slave | Yellowknife |
LCP Health | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Knapp Consulting | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Narwal Northern Adventures Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Ashton Chartered Professional Accountant | South Slave | Hay River |
Wolverine Air 1988 Ltd. | Dehcho | Fort Simpson |
Northern Snack Foods Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Northern Bestsellers Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
MeckCon Services Ltd. | Sahtu | Deline |
RS Cleaning & Janitorial Services Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Ulu Welding | Beaufort Delta | Inuvik |
Advanced Medical Solutions Inc. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Susan Chisholm | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Stewart Weir MacDonald Ltd. | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Embleton House | North Slave | Yellowknife |
Techi?q Ltd. | Sahtu | Deline |