ITI Funding Programs

Contributions and funding are available to NWT communities, governments and organizations to support economic development initiatives in the following areas:

  • Agriculture, fish and food production
  • Entrepreneurs and business owners
  • Tourism
  • Prospectors and mining companies
  • Film and media
  • Harvesters and traditional artists

To access or learn more about ITI programs and services, please contact the ITI office in your region.

Note: Eligibility information on this page is summary. Please visit the program page and guidelines for more complete eligibility requirements.

Please contact the appropriate ITI contact listed below:

As of September 2023


Agriculture and food production

Agri-food Funding

The federal/territorial Sustainable Canadian Agriculture Partnership (Sustainable-CAP) will fund agriculture-based initiatives that strengthen the competitiveness, innovation and resiliency of the agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector.

Sustainable-CAP funding is delivered in the NWT by the GNWT’s Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment.

Who can apply?

  • NWT residents over 19 years of age.
  • NWT based agricultural producer or agri-food processor businesses
  • Registered as a northern-based non-profit society organization and in good standing with the NWT Registrar of Societies.

Applications accepted: year-round (beginning April 1)


Northern Food Development Program

Funding for commercial farming, fishing, wild harvesting, and non-timber forest products.

The overall goal of the program is to increase local food production and availability of northern food products for northern consumers.

Who can apply?

  • Land-based applicants with a minimum of 1 acre under production and the ability to demonstrate commercial sales.
  • Greenhouse growers should have a minimum of 1,000 square feet under full production and demonstrate commercial sales.
  • Wild edible and wildlife harvesters should demonstrate commercial sales.
  • Applicants who are just starting commercial activities should be able to demonstrate relevant experience and a capacity to engage in food production, either, or in combination, through access to land, equipment, licenses and permits, etc.

Applications accepted: year-round (beginning April 1)


Commercial Fishery Support Pilot Program

Funding to create new jobs and opportunities for fishers in the NWT by helping to defer costs, supplement prices, and encourage recruitment.

Who can apply?

Eligibility varies according to the CFSP priority stream and emergent initiatives.

The following recipient types have been identified as eligible for funding under the CFSP:

  • Commercial Fisher
  • NWT Industry Organization
  • NWT Research Body/Institution
  • NWT Indigenous Government
  • NWT Indigenous Organization

Commercial fishers must hold:

  • a valid commercial fishing license and
  • vessel certificates if applicable

Applications accepted: until March 31, 2024 or until the program budget has been allocated.


Entrepreneurs and Business Owners

Business Intelligence and Networking (SEED)

Funding is available entrepreneurs and business owners to offset the costs of attending seminars and trade shows.

Who can apply?

  • NWT residents and businesses

Applications accepted: year-round (beginning April 1)


Community Economic Development (SEED)

Funding is available for organizations to invest in planning, infrastructure, information campaigns, and events promoting economic opportunities.

Who can apply?

  • NWT Indigenous organizations, NWT-based associations, municipalities

Applications accepted: year-round (beginning April 1)


Entrepreneur Support (SEED)

Funding to entrepreneurs and small businesses to help with start-up, business expansion, market and product development, capacity building, operational support, and film support.

Who can apply?

  • NWT businesses and entrepreneurs are encouraged to apply.

Applications accepted: year-round (beginning April 1)


Micro Business (SEED)

Funding for licensed artists, crafters, filmmakers, commercial renewable resource harvesters, and small businesses who need a little bit of funding to get their projects to sustainability.

Who can apply?

•           NWT businesses and entrepreneurs are encouraged to apply.

Applications accepted: year-round (beginning April 1)


Sector Support (SEED)

This program provides sector specific funding in two distinct categories:

  • Capital Expansion Incentive - NWT businesses can look to defray the cost of investing in new, or expanded, facilities and equipment.
  • Sector Research Support - NWT business associations and communities can defray the cost of investing in the research or expansion needed to improve their understanding or presence in a sector.

Who can apply?

  • NWT Businesses can apply for Capital Expansion Incentive
  • Indigenous organizations, business associations, and municipalities can apply for Sector Research Support

Applicants must be involved in one of the following sectors as designated by the Minister:

  • Agriculture
  • Energy
  • Film
  • Fishing
  • Knowledge Economy
  • Tourism
  • Value–added Manufacturing

Applications accepted: year-round (beginning April 1)                 


Strategic Investments (SEED)

Funding for NWT businesses looking to making large investments in their company in order to expand and grow their business.

Who can apply?

  • NWT businesses and entrepreneurs are encouraged to apply.

Applications accepted: year-round (beginning April 1)


Emerging Entrepreneurs Business Mentorship Program

Funding to increase employment in small communities and prepare residents for current and future job and business development opportunities.

Support and encouragement for young and/or inexperienced NWT entrepreneurs to acquire skills and business acumen to enable them to maximize their potential, improve their leadership skills, and become successful and profitable business owners.

GNWT, working with Catalyste+, matches mentees with suitable mentors as well as provide expertise and guidance to participants.

Who can apply?


To be eligible for the program, mentees must:

  • Be a resident of the NWT; and
  • Be legally entitled to be a business in the NWT
  • Having a Business Plan is an asset for participation in the program.

Applications are now being accepted until May 31, 2023

Applicants will be contacted by Catalyste+ by email or telephone within 4-6 weeks of the program deadline for applications.


Indigenous Capacity Building (ICB) Pilot Program

The Indigenous Capacity Building (ICB) program pilot will help fund opportunities and activities to increase Indigenous engagement with, participation in, and understanding of the resource industry. This includes how the sector functions, how it is regulated, and the benefits resulting from resource exploration and development, with the goal of increasing Indigenous capacity in the resource sector.

Activities include:

  • Strategic Planning and Capacity Building Activities
  • Training and Educational Opportunities
  • Attendance at Conferences and Tradeshows

Who can apply?

  • Indigenous governments, businesses and organizations

Applications reviewed twice per year: April 1 and October 1



Community Tourism Coordinator Program

Funding for qualified organizations to hire and maintain Community Tourism Coordinators, a critical component for enabling the development of market and export ready tourism products and packages for Northwest Territories (NWT) communities.

Who can apply?

Qualifying organizations in NWT communities such as:

  • Municipal councils
  • Band councils
  • Community governments
  • Land claim organizations
  • Community economic development and investment corporations
  • Chambers of Commerce
  • Privately-owned, for-profit organizations are not eligible.

A call for applications is normally issued every two years in January with a deadline in February. The next intake will occur between January and February 2025.


Community Tourism Infrastructure Contribution Program

Funding for capital projects and costs, communication infrastructure, development of innovative information technology tourism products or service, and planning studies or site development to enhance NWT community tourism.

Who can apply?

  • A municipal government, band council, economic development agency or Aboriginal organization in the NWT.
  • A non-profit society in good standing and registered in the NWT.

Call for applications normally issued in November with a deadline in January.


Tourism Business Mentorship Program

Mentorships to facilitate knowledge transfer from more experienced professionals to new/younger entrepreneurs.

Face-to-face and virtual mentorships are available.

Who can apply?


  • Must be a resident of the NWT.
  • Must have a valid Tourism Operator License or be a business, collective or organization that is engaged in the tourism sector.
  • Must be legally entitled to be a business in the NWT.
  • Business plan would be an asset.

Call for applications is normally issued in March with a deadline in April.


Youth Mentorship for Tourism Program

The Program will match NWT students and/or young professionals with an appropriate experienced professional in a specific area (based on the mentee’s interest), which may lead to employment at the mentor’s place of business.

Two program streams include:

  • Stream 1: Industry Awareness
  • Stream 2: Path to Employment

Who can apply?


  • NWT residents between 14-18 years of age (some exceptions may apply)


  • Should be experienced successful tourism industry professionals willing to work extensively on developing the skills of their mentees.

Call for applications is normally issued in March with a deadline in April.


Tourism Product Diversification and Marketing Program

Funding to re-invent, improve or expand your tourism product and operation to meet future market demands by providing funding for business planning, product development and packaging as well as marketing.

Who can apply?

  • NWT Businesses, economic development agencies, and communities.
  • Aboriginal Organizations.
  • Potential aboriginal culture tourism ventures.

Call for applications is normally issued in November with a deadline in January.


Tourism Training Fund

Funding to increase, develop and retain skilled tourism workers through training to provide professional and safe tourism related services at a world-class level.

Training must be short, formal courses or workshops, less than 12 weeks in duration.

Who can apply?


  • NWT residents with a valid NWT Tourism Operator License
  • Non-GNWT Visitor Information Centres
  • NWT accommodations sector employers or employees


  • Businesses, not-for-profit tourism associations or organizations engaged in the tourism sector in the NWT. Formal volunteers (e.g. festival or event) can be considered under group funding.
  • A group of individuals from various NWT tourism businesses collaborating for training

A call for applications is normally issued in April with a deadline in May.

If there are funds remaining, a second intake will occur in August with a deadline in September.

For more information about Tourism in the NWT, tourism operators etc. visit:


Prospectors and mining companies 

Corporate Mining Incentive Program

Funding for exploration companies who propose new exploration projects or are already carrying out NWT mineral exploration work.

Who can apply?

  • Companies with the legal right to conduct mineral exploration in the NWT.

Applications accepted: Annually on the last business day in April

Contact for questions and applications.


Prospector Mining Incentive Program

Funding for prospectors and exploration companies who propose new exploration projects or are already carrying out mineral exploration work in the Northwest Territories (NWT).

Who can apply?

  • Must have a valid NWT Prospecting License.
  • Propose a well‐conceived and technically‐sound exploration program to be considered for MIP funding. Applications will be evaluated by the expert staff of the Northwest Territories Geological Survey (NTGS) and other divisions of the Department of Industry, Tourism and Investment (ITI).

Applications accepted: Annually on the last business day in April.

Contact for questions and applications.


Prospecting Support Program

Funding for local prospectors looking to identify the NWT’s next big mineral find by investing in the tools, equipment, and activities necessary to prospect.

Who can apply?

•           NWT residents and entrepreneurs are encouraged to apply.

Applications accepted: year-round (beginning April 1)


Film and media

NWT Film Rebate Program

Funding to incentivize production companies to choose the NWT for their location filming needs by rebating a percentage of their NWT based spending. Rebates include costs for goods and services, travel to and within the NWT, and the training and hiring of NWT residents.

The program also includes an increased incentive for productions filming outside of Yellowknife, to encourage film activity throughout the NWT.

Who can apply?

  • Professional production companies based anywhere in the world, whose project(s) is anticipated to spend a minimum of $60,000 CAD in the NWT are eligible to apply.

Applications accepted: year-round (beginning April 1)


Support for Film (SEED - film schedule)

Funding for NWT film and media producers to support film development, marketing, promotion and sponsorship.

Who can apply?

  • NWT residents or NWT businesses engaged in commercial film and media sector production are eligible for assistance. Applicants should be able to demonstrate proficiency in the film and media sector. 

Applications accepted: year-round (beginning April 1)                                        

Visit Support for Entrepreneurs and Economic Development (SEED) for more context. It is strongly recommended that you contact your regional Economic Development Officer to discuss your idea prior to developing your proposal.


NWT Producers Incentive Pilot Program (PIPP)

Support for projects owned by NWT producers at their pre-development and development stages. Increasing the quality of creative and pitch materials increases the likelihood NWT producers will be able to secure production and finishing funds from broadcasters and financiers. 

Who can apply?

NWT residents and businesses engaged in commercial film and media production who can demonstrate having had at least one:

  • completed professional project shown by a recognized broadcaster or distributor (e.g. CBC, APTN, Northwestel),
  • or one prior project which has received funding from a market relevant source

Applications accepted: Funding is distributed on a first-come-first-served basis (beginning April 1)


Harvesters and traditional artists

Hide and Fur Program

Provides NWT artisans the support they need to get access to raw materials at affordable prices.

Who can apply?

  • Artisans in the Northwest Territories

The Department of Environment and Climate Change (ECC) has other programs that might assist with wild fur trapping at Genuine Mackenzie Valley Fur Program.



Arts Economic Development Program (SEED)

Funding for NWT artists and organizations who work with them to develop stock for commercial purposes. It can also help fund exports of their product to new audiences.

Who can apply?

  • NWT residents who can demonstrate experience creating art for commercial/economic purposes, such as online or in-person sales, live performance at a public event, past publications, past recordings, etc.

Applications accepted: Funding is distributed on a first-come-first-served basis until February 15, 2024


The NWT Arts Program

The NWT Arts Program promotes arts and fine crafts to local, national and international markets. Program registration is free to all NWT artists including those in traditional and contemporary visual arts and fine crafts, performing arts, literary arts and film/new media. Also visit


Business Development and Investment Corporation (BDIC)

BDIC is an independent Crown Corporation of the Government of the Northwest Territories that provides a range of programs and services for the economic development of the NWT.

The BDIC promotes financial independence, assists communities in capturing economic development opportunities, and helps develop a diverse and viable northern economy. 

Through BDIC, NWT Fishers can apply for NWT Covid-19 Economic Relief, term loans, standby letters of credit, working capital guarantee, contributions, and venture investments.  

GNWT-ITI is an agent for BDIC.  If you have questions or want more information, please visit


Community Futures

Community Futures is a non-profit organization that provides small business services to people living in rural communities.  Each office delivers small business loans, tools, training and events for people wanting to start, expand, franchise or sell a business. 

To learn more about the Northwest Territories Community Futures Association, and links to the six community websites, please visit